How to set up a Legitimate US, UK, EURO bank account for all your online business for a Non-US Residents.

Setting up a legitimate US bank account as a non-US resident is never an easy task. The fact that you are not living or resident in united state of America or Europe even makes the task more daunting. A lot of people not resident in USA or Europe find it extremely difficult to engage in any beneficial business of their choice. Their frustration even get all the more intense when they search for useful online jobs and they see hundreds  of them they can participate in but have  no  knowledge on  how to set up a legitimate US bank account to collect money from such companies. Thousands of Africans or Asians who have dedicated interest in working from home are in this category. I call it a category of dilemma and honestly it is a sad experience.

There are thousands of works in other countries that you can do online and can bring you fortune. This I know you know and that’s why you are so keen in reading my blog.

Not to worry, my hard kept secret will soon be exposed. Please don’t stop reading. I am going to reveal a lot and help you with the right information needed to get you started in that your choice business online you love but unfortunately don’t have an idea how to collect your money when you join or become part of it. These companies ask for how you want to be paid and when you can’t answer that, it becomes unfortunate. That is exactly what is stopping you for days, months or years now from your dream online job. That I can assure you it will soon be over in a minute. Keep reading.

 I was once in that category. It sucks and my intention of doing business online just evaporated, I mean crumbled. I did several sites researches on Google on how to have a legitimate US bank account to no avail. I bought many eBooks some costing $27 but the direction given didn’t yield any useful help. Frustration came and at a point, I stopped using the internet.

One day a friend of mine spoke to me and share his little but mighty secret on how he gets paid locally back home and that spark my interest again and I decided to give it another go.


Our world today is more digitized than ever. Almost all business in the world has an online platform or presence. The enormous opportunities it brings globally is amazing.

At the comfort of your home you can do business online and get paid. It really don’t matter where you reside, what matters is that you’ve got a well paying job online and you’re getting paid to your local bank account back home. It sounds great isn’t it? You can now meet some if not all of your financial needs and pay your bills.

The world we live in is fast changing. Things are pretty different now than before. Today you can get a job in the US online and get paid back home. You would agree with me that this wasn’t the situation before but the fast changing world has necessitated this amazing discovering, now making the world a global village. It is a fact that the world is globalized already and taking advantage of this fact is essential not only to have a business in a country which ordinarily may not even grant you a visa to work there.

Now countless of businesses are almost everywhere in the internet thus making it a hub of choices on what business or businesses exactly you want to do. There are affiliates businesses and many are making thousands of dollars from it, Forex trading business and many more. Whatever your interest may be on the exact business you want to do is all up to you.

I can very well charge you for this information I am about telling you as others do but I have a unique understanding with the company which of course is beneficial not only to me but to you too.

 I am not going to charge you for this information as I said earlier. No not at all, I simply want to be of help here. The company will be paying you $25 for signing up on this very blog. And that again is an amazing surprise. No other company I know abroad do this but this is quite too kind of them if you ask me. I advice you bookmark this blog to return later if you are not registering right now.  Save this blog page.

And again, another nice thing is that you don’t pay to get registered.  It is FREE plus getting $25 in your newly open bank account with the company.

What you can do with this information I want to share with you is enormous. So let’s get started. Now, this is what you are about to go into.  In a little while you will be registering or signing up with a company in America that will get some details from you online. That means you need to be ready immediately. You must have a valid international passport, National ID or driving licence issued by your country ready. You have to scan any one of these documents and have it in your computer for immediate submission when demanded. This is important otherwise when you sign up with this company  without this vital document the usage of your account will be limited and I am sure you wouldn’t like that. They just want to be sure where you reside.

You must also have a valid local bank account that you will fill in on sign up. This account must be a dollar account. Now the good news, it doesn’t really matter where you are doing your online business or businesses. Whether in Europe, America or UK, they got you covered. They will give you accounts in all these countries mentioned above or even more on request e.g. Japan, in your account platform once you register. No matter the money type(s) they will convert it for you into US dollar and transfer same to your local bank account anytime you make a withdrawal. This is so beautiful! It is that simple and easy.

I think this company really makes life easy. They will also give you a Master card for all your online businesses should you wants to make payments of any kind. Or make purchases of goods and services online. So as I said before, they got you covered.

I know by now you would be itching for me to spew it all out. I announce to you with a standing ovation the company I call THE LEGITIMATE UTILITY BANK simply click the link and getstarted with the company immediately.


Get your dream fulfilled with THE LEGITIMATE UTILITY BANK

Get your dream fulfill of having that online job or online business you ever wished for and now watch it coming into reality.

Nobody wants to work and not get paid, so having this information on how you can get paid around the world even in multiple currencies is unbelievable.

Get to work right away, get registered and start working and allow the company do the rest for you, which of course include helping you to collect your entire fund and transfer same back to your local bank account.

As I said before, it doesn’t matter where you reside, Asia, Africa anywhere in the world and you need this service you are FREE to join this moving train.


With a smile on my face I welcome you once more to THE LEGITIMATE UTILITY BANK


Good luck in your endeavor.


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